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Industry - Factory Ambiences and Machines sound effects library

Industry – Factory Ambiences and Machines

$ 79.00

Specifications: 282 Files – 282 Sounds – 17.2 GB – 96/192kHz – 24Bit


This library includes both factory ambiences and close up industrial machines. The perfect collection for ambience beds for big noisy halls or a great tool for single machinery movements.
Several locations were recorded, amongst it a food manufacturer, a vinyl pressing plant, a cogeneration unit, a water pumpstation, a water treatment plant, steelworks and a machinery builder. Aditional sounds have been recorded around other industrial sites.
For most machines, I used a multi-mic setup with a stereo (ab or ortf) unit, and several spot mics (incl. contact mics), which you can use as a construction library to mix to your own taste. For some machines, premixed files are included in a addition to the single layers.
From the rattle of an assembly lines, to whistle of all kind of engines, deafening scream of giant units, distant chatter and walla of workers, hydraulic and pneumatic hisses and movements, stamping of metal parts as well as welding, brushing, giant metal saws, polishing, wet round grinding, milling, pounding compressors, noisy heating units, bubbling testing stations and many more machinery sounds all in big reverberant spaces as well as from dry close up (as far as inside) carefully chosen spots of machineries singled out, this library offers a broad range of sounds.
The machines have been recorded in long continous ambiences as well as starting and stopping sounds, where possible. Sounds from tools, like ground lift, gates or beeps are also included.
Equipment used was: Sound Devices 744, Zoom F6, Schoeps MK41, Earthworks QTC50, Schertler Conatct Mic, Lewitt 540s, DPA 4060 / 61, Neumann KMR81i, Behringer Drum Mics    
   Files: 282
   Sounds: 282
   Size: 17.2 GB
   Format: 96/192kHz/24Bit, Mono + Stereo-Wav
   Product Type: Download
Picture of About Sound of Essen

About Sound of Essen

Sound of Essen is a project by Nils Mosh, a field recordist, a sound artist and designer from Essen, Germany. In his works, he explores the spirit of sound from various locations. He always listens to the places in their social context and examines them for the interaction between nature and human-made influences. And in between, he simply opts out of the world and falls in love with the sound of the resonances of a handrail or the delicate chirping of a water beetle. In 2017 his recording „Das Team“ won 2nd price at the international radio award "60 seconds" in Canada. Besides recording in the territory of the wolf GW954f from 2019-2022 for the release „Of wolves and people“ (Gruenrekorder 214) with Melissa Pons, he presented sound art work at festivals like Tonwelten Festival (2023), Blaues Rauschen Festival (2023) or Weimarer Sommer (2018). He collaborated with dance & perfomance artists for performances in Montreal, Tel Aviv and across Germany. He also lectures about field recording at the universities in Darmstadt & Duesseldorf. Besides his sound art & field recording work, he also runs the blog Sound of Essen and sells sound effects for games & movies. His focus is on local sounds, which he explores with his deep knowledge of these specific sounds and which are sometimes hard to get in other places of the world. His libraries range from local animals to unique aircrafts and farming machines.

Picture of Sound of Essen

Sound of Essen

Sound of Essen is a project by Nils Mosh, a field recordist, a sound artist and designer from Essen, Germany. In his works, he explores the spirit of sound from various locations. He always listens to the places in their social context and examines them for the interaction between nature and human-made influences. And in between, he simply opts out of the world and falls in love with the sound of the resonances of a handrail or the delicate chirping of a water beetle. In 2017 his recording „Das Team“ won 2nd price at the international radio award "60 seconds" in Canada. Besides recording in the territory of the wolf GW954f from 2019-2022 for the release „Of wolves and people“ (Gruenrekorder 214) with Melissa Pons, he presented sound art work at festivals like Tonwelten Festival (2023), Blaues Rauschen Festival (2023) or Weimarer Sommer (2018). He collaborated with dance & perfomance artists for performances in Montreal, Tel Aviv and across Germany. He also lectures about field recording at the universities in Darmstadt & Duesseldorf. Besides his sound art & field recording work, he also runs the blog Sound of Essen and sells sound effects for games & movies. His focus is on local sounds, which he explores with his deep knowledge of these specific sounds and which are sometimes hard to get in other places of the world. His libraries range from local animals to unique aircrafts and farming machines.

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